Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ladybugs and Hats

Exciting things were happening this morning! Our ladybug larvae went into their pupae stage and we were able to watch it happen!

We watched them get real still, curve their bodies, turn yellow and then black!

After we watched this happen, we looked at our model pupae

The boys really want to hold the ladybugs, so the models are pretty helpful. Mason and Carson most likely don't understand what is happening with our ladybugs, but they have made the connection that the model and the real thing are the same. They spend so much time each day looking at these little guys!

We were very silly trying on different hats today! There were all sorts of hats to choose from. Baseball caps, bike helmets, shower caps, cowboy hats, and more! Some were familiar and many were really funny!

We did one more big activity today, but it is a surprise! We have to work on it a little more this week and pictures will be up on Friday :)

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